۳۷- The Relation between Unchangeable God to Intrinsicly Changeable World According to Mulla Sadra
Conference on “God, Time and Change” by The European Society for the Philosophy of Religion, Oriel College, Oxford from 3rd-5th September.
Conference on “God, Time and Change” by The European Society for the Philosophy of Religion, Oriel College, Oxford from 3rd-5th September.
International Conference on Multiculturalism and Global Community, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran, 24-27 July 2010
International Conference on Religious Epistemology: A Conversation between Muslim and Christian American Philosophers”, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies and Qom University, Tehran and Qom, April 21-23, 2010
This event is hosted by the Centre for Philosophy and Religion, Department of Philosophy, University of Glasgow. Wednesday 19th November 2008, 5.30 – 7.30 p.m., Boyd Orr Building, University Gardens, Room 412 (LT B), Glasgow.
in INTERIM World Philosophy Congress together with Member Societies of FISP (Internationale des Societies de Philosophie) from India, On Philosophy in the Emerging Age of Global Society; Delhi University, Delhi, India. December 15-17, 2006.