۱۸-Divine Ownership and Resourcefulness as the Basic View of Islamic Eco-imagination


If we consider the relationship between the triangle of man, nature, and God, we may say that the secular imagination of nature is its imagination of nature directly as a tool for its benefit. In my paper, I explain the secular ecological view that is summarized in Mario Bunge’s statement. In his view, the technological process as human activity based on a kind of ecological view has usually been guided by five maxims that justify the unlimited exploitation of natural and social resources. He adds that today, all these principles have been rejected and largely modified.

However, in the Islamic perspective of nature, this relationship is through God. God in the Islamic view is not only the creator of Nature but also, He is the owner and resource of everything in nature. This view is about everything in the ecological system of the world like men, animals, plants, and stones. I will analyze this ecological view from Quranic teachings. In this kind of ecological view, we have no right to do what we want in nature. Before every kind of intervention in the ecosystem, we must examine rulings, and due to those rulings, we can do our actions.

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