
25- The Existence of God

Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute (SIPRIn) Publication, 2005

This book is a new and completed edition of a book that was previously published in Academia under the title of Mulla Sadra’s Seddiqin Argument for the Existence of God An Islamic Response to Hume and Kant. Now you have the entire book as it was published

24- Philosophy of Religion: A Different Islamic View

Nova Science Publisher, 2024, New York

23- From Science and Religion to Religious Approach to Science Publication of Research Center for Cultural,

Social and Civilization Studies, Tehran, 2023, (in Persian)

22- Implementation Plan to Improve Legal Literacy in Seventh Grade Textbooks.

Fahm Publication, Tehran, 2020 (in Persian)

21- Program for Development of Legal Literacy among Students.

Fahm Publication, Tehran, 2020 (in Persian)

Contemporary Islamic philosophy, which is not in the direction of influence of Muslim thinkers upon the historical formation of scholasticism in the middle Ages, has had more improvements that rarely known by Western thinkers. These active philosophical thoughts that can be encountered some of contemporary problems in modern Western philosophy bring some new approach to philosophical views. By comparing them we may have new perspectives from different approach of Islamic philosophy to contemporary philosophical views. This book is combination of some papers that the author has written in this field. The main focus is on Mulla Sadra’s thoughts and new Sadraean philosophy. I have compare Western and Islamic philosophy in this book on some subjects like: the characteristics of this comparison, existence, causality, necessity, problem of evil, arguments for the existence of God, Divine activities and history of atheism.

Issue: 30

Volume: August

Publication Date: 2018

Publication Name: Lambert Academic Publishing

20- Training and Religious Goals of Mizan Educational Complex.

Hamidreza Ayatollahy, Aliakbar Jabbari, Fahm Publication, Tehran, 2021 (in Persian)

19- Collection of 10 books in Media Literacy

, Hamidreza Ayatollahy as manager, Esmaeel Ramezani as Editor, Fahm Publication, Tehran, 2014 (in Persian).

18- Explanation and Evaluation of Viewpoints in Postmodern Theology

(in Persian) third edition with a new revision. Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies. 2021,

17-Philosophy and Crisis of Coronavirus

(ed.), (in Persian) ISU Press and CSRI Press, July 2020, Tehran.

16-Comparative Philosophy: Islamic and Western

Lambert Academic Publishing, Moldova, 2018

Contemporary Islamic philosophy, which is not in the direction of influence of Muslim thinkers upon the historical formation of scholasticism in the middle Ages, has had more improvements that rarely known by Western thinkers. These active philosophical thoughts that can be encountered some of contemporary problems in modern Western philosophy bring some new approach to philosophical views. By comparing them we may have new perspectives from different approach of Islamic philosophy to contemporary philosophical views. This book is combination of some papers that the author has written in this field. The main focus is on Mulla Sadra’s thoughts and new Sadraean philosophy. I have compare Western and Islamic philosophy in this book on some subjects like: the characteristics of this comparison, existence, causality, necessity, problem of evil, arguments for the existence of God, Divine activities and history of atheism.

Issue: 30

Volume: August

Publication Date: 2018

Publication Name: Lambert Academic Publishing

15-Вопросы Феминологии

Хамида Резы Аятоллахи, Садра: Москва, 2016. This book is Russian translation of the book "Women Studies from an Islamic Point of View"

14- Teacher's Guide to the Training Course “Religion and Religious Experiences

(in Persian) Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, 2016, with the cooperation of Alireza Dorri Nogourani and Hossein Ejtehadian, in Persian.


Хамида Резы Аятоллахи, Садра: Москва, 2015, in Russian. This book is Russian translation of "Evaluations in Contemporary Religious Studies".

12- Women Studies from an Islamic Point of View

(in Persian) (Collection and Introduction) Fahm Publication, 2014, in Persian.

11-Women Studies from an Islamic Viewpoint

(in English) (compiled and introduced by Hamidreza Ayatollahy) English Translation by Hussein Mullanazar, London: MIU Press, 2013, in English.

10- Contemporary Religious Studies: A Critical Approach

(in Persian) Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran 2013, in Persian.

9- Philosophy of Religion

(in Persian) Third edition. Hekmat Publishing Company and Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, 2012, in Persian

8- Translation and Analysis of “God and Religion in Postmodern World”

(in Persian) Written by David Ray Griffin. Second edition. Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies. 2009, in Persian.

7- Essays in Comparative Philosophy and Religious Studies

(in Persian) Taha Publication, Qum, 2007, in Persian

6-The Existence of God

(in English) Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute Publication (SIPRIn Publication), Tehran, 2005, in English.

5- Our Fundamental Challenges on: Religion, Science and Politics

(in Persian) Institute for Developing Science and Research in Iran, Tehran, February 2005, in Persian.

4- History of Philosophy of Religion 1875-1980

(in Persian) (translated from Alan P. F. Sell). IICT “Institute for Islamic Culture and Thought” Publication, Tehran, 2004, in Persian.

3- Translation and Analysis of “God and Religion in Postmodern World

(in Persian) Written by David Ray Griffin, published by “Aftabe Tose'e”, Tehran, 2002, in Persian.

2- Meanings and Problems in Philosophy of Religion

(in Persian) Institute for Developing Science and Research in Iran, Tehran, 2002, in Persian.

1- Philosophy of Religion

(in Persian) (translated from Norman Geisler). Hekmat Publishing Company, Tehran, 1996, in Persian.

Contribution in Books